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Economic Justice

Latine workers power the Texas economy. While just a little over 40% of the state’s population is Latine, 47% of workers from all industries killed on the job in 2022 were Latine. Workers in our community report issues on the job including wage theft (not being paid for all hours worked), safety and health violations, harassment, and routine threats of immigration enforcement if they complain or seek to address these issues. Due to language barriers and legal status, many abusive employers see immigrant workers as ripe targets for exploitation. 

But we are fighting back and organizing to ensure that workers
are treated with dignity and respect on the job and to improve worker conditions in Texas. 

Some of our campaigns include:

  • We hold corporations accountable for their anti-worker practices and to improve working conditions for all. 
  • Deferred Action for Labor Enforcement (DALE) grants immigrant workers deferred action and work authorization when exercising their labor rights. Immigrant workers often fear that exercising their labor and employment rights will jeopardize their ability to make a living, maintain their freedom, and stay with their families. Playing off these fears, employers weaponize immigration status to silence and intimidate their employees. Deferred Action is a powerful tool for labor enforcement agencies and has the potential to reset the balance of power between immigrant workers and exploitative employers. With DALE protections, workers 1) have the freedom to leave exploitative jobs and seek better employment, 2) are eligible to join a union and build union density in Texas, and 3) get protection from deportation, which even if temporary is a huge relief for them and their families. 
  • Provide Know Your Rights Workshops so workers have the tools needed to raise their voice in support of their labor rights.